Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This just off the AP Newswire...Caution: What you are about to read is heavily biased and subjective.

Mallory Offers a Rare Pardon to DBD Rider

In a rare twist of events Sir George Mallory offers an unprecedented pardon to DBD favorite Eki. The only gesture made by the intrepid climber (and DBD founding-father) that even comes close to this is his past reversals on the expulsion of the always controversial and at times fringe member, Farrow. It seems an emergency meeting was held among the DBD'ers over the ill fated Blue Mounds 12 hour race attempted by Eki - the only DBD rider to ever accept the challenge. Discussions stirred over the rider's decision to pull the plug after his steed was severely wounded and knocked out of commission for the day. He (Eki) reports that he deliberated at length over attempting the daunting course on a loaner bike, but surmised that it was neither mentally or physically feasible to dismount the Corvette he normally races in order to jump on the back of a Nova. It was after this decision that he resigned to dismantling the maimed Gary Fisher and soak up some free suds provided by the directors. "I knew it's what Mallory would've wanted and what he would have done," surmised Eki in a post race interview

Reports have circulated that Farrow fought hard at the meeting to have Eki removed from the short list of DBD'ers and even, quite shockingly, confronted Mallory directly. This move by Farrow has once again placed him on the endangered species list among club members.

When Mallory slammed the gavel down it was decided. Not only would Eki remain in and among the DBD'ers, but he would be elevated to an honorary Knight status and shall be referred to as Sir Eki for one calendar year from Blue Mounds race date forward.

"What he did out there should be a lesson to you all. His perseverance and drive is the stuff dreams are made of...All hail Sir Eki". -Sir George Mallory in an extremely rare interview via telegraph

Farrow clearly in a state of dissolution by this turn of events had this to say, "I sense some real favoritism here. I mean I guess what he did was o.k., if you're into that kind of thing. Mallory has always leaned toward Eki, but that's o.k., it's what drives me on. In regard to my tenuous status, I've been here before, it's nothing I can't handle. I'll just keep proving myself on my 'road' rides and show my competitors where I stand. Hey, you just wait until I switch back to gears."

[Source: A.P. Newswire Report]


  1. My eyes remain downcast as I reflect on the demonstration of support and loyalty by Mallory.

    As for Farrow, let the record show that he is NOT behind the origination of this report. The author and source of this report remains anonymous and the search for him/her is ongoing.

    I have the utmost respect for the DBD'ers that stood by me. Clearly, Farrow and I have some fence mending to do.


    Sir Eki

  2. ...the most that can be said of "Sir Eki's" decision to hold up the proverbial white flag at Blue Mounds and to thus pull back in cowardly retreat is that he may indeed live to fight again. This is not the end the debate...

  3. I'll drink to that Sir Eki!!!!!!!!!
    Now a round of New Glarus Coffee Stouts for the lads!!!!

  4. Ari: Move up to Duluth and have a go at the DBD...
    Sir Mallory

  5. Ahhhhhhhhh......may I inquire as to what the "DBD" is? Not 24 @ 7 Oaks....not Pitch Black Singletrack...not Heck-O-The-North...I have obviously missed the explanatory entry.

  6. DBD stands for Daiquiris Before Dinner... :)

