Old Man Dave Pramann at the Arrowhead 135, sprinting for the finish line against Peter Bassinger and Jeff Oatley (two of the very best endurance cyclists in the Nation, maybe the World). Pramann will also be considered for completing the 350 mile Alaskan Invitational.
Senior Lindsay Gauld once again "turns heads" at the Arrowhead...
Charlie Tri for efforts at the Ragnorak 105 and the Levis-Trow 100.
"Bold" G-Ted and "subtle" D.P. for their consistently superb managerial skills related to the classic Trans-Iowa.
The Eppen Duo @ Almanzo; Chris Skogen’s flawless direction of this 100 miler that year after year sets the standard by which all the other gravel road races are judged.
Chequamegon 100 as a platform by which the Good Samaritan, Adam Blake, aids/guides a weakened and delirious aged cyclist to the finish line.
Joe Meiser for being Joe Meiser with special consideration for putting on the amazing and lofty Trans-Wisconsin.
12 hours @ the Thunderdown where Eki and Buffington turned in Very “list worthy” efforts.
Lincoln, Nebraska's very own Cornbread and his amazing run-away Victory and Lance Andre’s Catastrophic Collapse at the DK 200
Trevor Rockwell’s overall victory at Levis-Trow 100 on a single speed with Buffington close behind.
Jake Boyce and Nikolai Anikin at the Heck of the North and Kershaw making it all happen!
Sara Kylander-Johnson’s amazing come-back season.
Danielle Musto’s effort at the 24 Hours @ Afton.
Ron Stawicki and Buffington on single speeds @ 24 Hours @ 9 Mile
Scott Cole’s run @ the Fat Tire Chequamegon 40
Eki wins the OVERALL WEMS Title!!!
Jeremy Kershaw’s 88 hours of Trans-Wisconsin & his noteworthy single speed effort @ Arrowhead.
The top two finishers at the 24 hours @ Seven Oaks (one of the guyz is Mike, the owner of the Revolution Cycle Shop in Saint Cloud)…Amazing effort on a really tough course!
Michelle Flanagan wins both the Chequamegon 100 and the Heck of the North!!!
To name only a few under investigation...more names to follow...
[Disclaimer: To qualify for inclusion onto this most impressive TOP TEN listing, the accomplishment had to have been personally witnessed by the List-Maker (or a close personal friend of the List Maker). The list, therefore, is evolutionary and thus reflects the author’s concerted personal effort to move away from racing in mass-marketed events that require venues to be marginalized and de-challenged in an effort to maximize participation numbers with the goal being to optimize profits. In order to offer hope and a bit of solace to the misguided, albeit talented racer that has not yet seen the fruits of forgoing these “pop-cultural, mass-marketed” generic events in favor of the nobler events from which the honored are usually chosen, the List-Maker does offer recognition of a couple of major outstanding achievements within this less than lofty realm that were too noteworthy and impressive to ignore, but not witnessed per se by the author, in a Honorable Mention category. It is the List-makers hope that those listed in this second-tier category shall see the light and thus position themselves to compete for a spot on the 2011 List-of-Honor. Also in order to achieve this great honor, one must be a committed amateur cyclist, so anyone purporting to be a professional is automatically not considered. Furthermore anyone that used a preponderance of carbon in the form of components and/or frame is de-elevated in the author’s calculation. Finally, pure roadies and/or triathletes are not considered, while the word “duo-athalon” is an oxymoron]. Furthermore, it is very difficult to earn a spot on this prestigious list if a rider is under the age of 40 or is a confirmed teetotaler. Anyone under 40 has a clear advantage and riders that did not imbibe are suspect.
Look for the list to be published on or around December 19th or so…Do not despair List-making hopeful one! For you can still earn a spot on the list by signing up and performing with extraordinary courage and honor during the 2nd annual Tuscobia 150 set to commence @ 7:00 a.m. on December 17th.
I can think of 2 guys that should be on that list for setting the bar in Transwisconsin. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteAhh, the list. The most nerve racking time of the season.
ReplyDeleteCharlie!!!! We missed you at the DirtBag! Have a great winter training for the Tuscobia, etc!
ReplyDeleteI feel honored!!!