Monday, July 16, 2012


Note: Recent Wiki-Leaks capture from secretive DBD telegraph sent from the hinterlands of Ontario.

Lake Mallory is OURS!...stop…DBD stalwart completes first circumnavigation of the remote and huge inland lake formerly known as Lake Nipigon…stop…401 miles of mostly inhospitable terrain  ‘round the beast in three dayz and 46+ hours on the bike…stop...Over the top nearly killed him…stop…tales of true hardihood and determination…stop…Lady Luck was involved; as was what the Finns call SISU…stop…Farrow is badly worn, but elated…stop…Honor restored for the aged adventurist?…stop…full report, with conclusive photos, to follow in a few dayz…stop...


  1. Wow. Really? Amazing. If it was anyone else I would think you made it up. Can't wait to hear how you did it.

  2. Anxiously awaiting the details STOP

