Thursday, December 6, 2007

Built for comfort....and relying on Divine Intervention

Frustrating the Rat: Spouse’s advanced educational pursuit forces the writer to be content with aerobic snow-removal as a workout, coupled with intensive "carbo-loading"…Am I doomed? Can prayer help? At least I will be well rested…and insulated against the cold!!!

Daily Brief Illogical Oxymoronic Muse on the Arrowhead 135: Practical contradictory applications in Paradoxology. Arrowhead countdown—60 dayz out!!!

“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.” GK Chesterton

(Author’s note: of course riding in the Arrowhead does not reach the level of “courageousness”, but with a few modifications the quote does seem to somewhat apply): “Trying to get fit for the Arrowhead is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to freeze.”
Postscript: 2.5 hours of skiing at lester tonight!!! But itz too clean, too pure of a sport to satisfy the Rat........


  1. Hey my wife says you are looking hot for a Duluth guy.
    Actually I was thinking that cross and the extra insulation might come in handy when you camp out at -35F again. Bring lots of tubes and a pump this year so we can ride together.

  2. Too clean and pure to satisfy the Rat? Guess that makes me a mouse, cuz it sure feeds my soul. Maybe that's cuz I fall down in the parking lot slop and get looking like I road in on my MTB.

  3. "it sure feeds my soul" Exactly...itz too perfect!!! Itz like the perfect sport...a guy could get fit doing too much of it!!! A guy could become too nice, ones soul could become too bright, too generous, too whole!!! Such a sport could kill the RAT!!!

  4. Was that your tracks on the lakewalk?

    Boz- I like it when I am pulled into the snowbanks by the slop- makes me glad there's no one around on the lakewalk to laugh at me.

