Tuesday, July 7, 2009

LEVIS-TROW 100 Miler on this Saturday...

The WEMS Levis-Trow 100 is this weekend. Consider racing this event as it involves a remarkably varied and challenging course. I am more than fired-up, especially given my re-birth as a Single-Speeder. Thanking Mr. Bushy, initially for promoting the 29er and then the notion of a single-speed. Since adopting the austere SS lifestyle I have become obsessed with finding the perfect match between course, legs, lungs, tattoos, and the one gear. Regarding the one gear, at the Metro-Challenge I went with a 34X18 and it felt about right, although if I could go back, I would probably go with a 34X17 as that course held only one significant climb. Specifically, a climb which (given the 34X18) I was able to ascend every lap without dismounting, but the trade-off was that I was "geared-out" on several flat segments of the course. In contrast, from what I can remember, Levis is a much more demanding course, so I think I will go with a 19 or even a 20 on the back...I recall two big-time climbs in particular, one of which Eki and I walked on the majority of the laps [8 laps total to get the 100 miles]. More on my transformation....

1 comment:

  1. Yo.
    Hansi in the house for the Levis race. Doing the tandem category with the Red Squirrel.

