Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday...Mtb & CX seasons are the real work begins!!!

Daily Brief Illogical Oxymoronic Muse on the Arrowhead 135: Practical contradictory applications in Paradoxology. Arrowhead countdown--83 dayz: "Stay with me; I want to be alone." Joey Adams [Note: relates perfectly with what was going on in my frazzled brain as Joel Calahan offered me his last tube, but we both realized that there was no pump--approximately 37 degree below zero, ~75 miles into it, sometime around 1:00 a.m., about 18 hours into the 2007 Arrowhead, so it goes.....].

Feeding the rat: a.m. commute 90 minutes "against the wind." P.M. commute, plus easy jog while offspring was at swimming lessons for a total of 198 minutes (3+ hours)...gettin' 'er done...

Note: Come the end of April, I am signed-up (along with Tim EK) and ready to go in the Trans-Iowa IV...SWEET!!!

1 comment:

  1. TI4 - You're in! We must both be crazy or in need of a painful challenge?

