Okay, then, I'll admit it...I am gonna miss those seniors, all of them, even the ones that don't deserve it...OK, like I said, I am going to miss those seniors...Don't get me wrong, I don't want ya to think that I‘m the kinda guy that goes and gets all sentimental, all like misty-eyed and such, ‘cuz that aint me, don't believe a man should cry, no way; no how, it aint right, no way…Ever see John Wayne cry? Ever see Chuck Norris shed a tear? They shot Reagan and he smiled!!! They shot Teddy Roosevelt during a speech and he finished the speech! But I’ll admit that when them young kids started sayin’ "good bye Mr. Farrow" today…yeah, okay, I aint gonna lie…well letz just say…I am going to miss those young people, each and every one of them…there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch….thatz all I gotz to say about that…I don't want ya to think that I am the kinda guy that goes and gets all sentimental, cuz I aint...I guess I just must be gettin' old...gettin' all sentimental, but that sure wuz a nice group of young people.... You lookin' for something to do with your life? Think about teaching, A guy could do worse...teaching young people keeps a guy feeling... well it keeps a guy feeling young....thatz all I got to say about that...so it goes
A Chorus of Cautionary Carbon-loving Conservatives: 60 minutes on Thursday & 120 minutes on Friday...They made me mow today, but I aint countin' it towards my training time as it don't seem right...seeing how I love training and hate mowing. Mowing, I guess itz just part of being an American......Mowing is kinda like payin' taxes. Payin' taxes so as we can buy another aircraft carrier or the like...or get them Vikings a new stadium!
Hey, my only job as of now is mowing lawns. Just call me the lawn boy. If I ever come over, I'll mow your lawn for you. As I write this, Sam is mowing our lawn.My Dad mows lawns part time.He has a hat that says "Lawn Enforcemet Officer". We are one big mother loving lawn mowing lineage.