Note: Photographs from today's community-service effort. The first picture is of either a raccoon or a like-minded beast or a dark angel of Lucifer, depending on your world-view...Sorry for the poor quality, again depending on your personal world-view, the poor quality is attributable to one of two rationales, one being that dark angels of Lucifer rarely photograph well or possibly that the person wielding the camera is a cretin suffering from both mild dementia and a hyperactive gland disorder. FYI, my vote is with the dark side...that hideous thing is clearly a member of Lucifer's gang!
This morning, in an effort to "model" appropriate civil-mindedness-in-action, I forced Sophie out of bed [single off-spring] to brave the rain and the wind to assist with a city wide effort to do a little "spring cleaning" along the trails and back-roads of Duluth. Sophie and I spent an hour or so cleaning part of the Munger Trail with several other members of the COGGS group [Cyclists Of the Gitchie Gumi Shores...or something like that...?]...In any event, it was fun and Sophie found this way cool skeleton of a raccoon or a oppossum, or maybe a dark angel of Lucifer. I think itz a dark angel of Lucifer, but the general consensus among the rest of the do-gooders was that it was a raccoon that has seen better days...
Laboring w/ other Luddites against Lecherous Followers of Lucifer: 3 hours and 31 minutes...oh yeah!!! Rode out to Thomson to find my friend, Hansi's House. I found Hansi's House and that was great, but I did not find Hansi...So it goes...I am on course to get over 20 hours this week, but I have to go to the Doc's office on Monday for a little "plumping work" so I am fasting today and Sunday...so Sunday's ride may turn into a modern day "vision quest." Especially, given the sad fact that at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow I will ingest a "purgative." I will let those will active minds conjure the rest...It ain't no good life, but itz my life.
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