Several of my Hard-Core Biker Buddies did very well last Sunday @ the Maplelag Races and therefore deserve special recognition...Special Kudos to the following Biker Dudes: Scotty K- Johnson, with another fine effort on two subsequent weekends, seems ready to have a “break-out” year!!! When he is on he is very very very fast [finishing 5th amongst the Semi-Pros]; plus he is a first-rate, top-notch, A#1 Teacher-of-Youth, Humanitarian, and Proactive Advocate for local mtb trail access. Sam&Eric were 1st&2nd in the Expert Race...Team Oftedahl is poised for greatness...These youngsters simply "reek" with talent and most importantly they are very respectful of their elders. These guyz are young and they are getting faster every year and yet they are also the kind of youth that makes an old guy think that maybe there is hope for this country, afterall--Bravo for the TOP 2 Spots... Todd “I can have my cake and eat it too” McFadden has soooo many irons in the fire itz hard to keep track, he’s a newlywed, he’s a father-to-be, he’s building a house, he’s a swell guy, and he still can beat most of the really fast guys at the bikes races [How does that work???]. McFadden finished in 4th place--Bravo for an old guy!!!!…Joel Cahalan, my personal savior from the Arrowhead 135 Mega-epic turned in a fine effort with a 7th place finish. At this year's Arrowhead, everyone was getting multiple flats from the extreme cold, yet Joel gave me his only extra tube in the middle of the night, out in the middle of nowhere, with the temperature something like 37 degrees below zero....What else can ya say about a guy like that! He is a true gentleman and a humanist/earthling of the first-order…And old man Dan Meyer took 12th. Mr. Meyer was competitively racing bicycles while most of you were still just abstract subconscious notions floating about freely in your parents' sense of duty as community members and procreating mammals ["someday, I suppose we should have a kid, you know to perpetuate the species?--nah"]…Meyer is still fighting the good fight!!!! Top Notch!!!![Note; this website is shamelessly bias in favor of old people...]
Ubiety or Ubiquity; the Underworld Unavoidable to the Unbeliever?:
Itz Recovery Week...I am very good at recovering...I am a NORBA/USMB Semi-pro, USCA Cat. 1 recoverer...116 minutes for an easy ride up Lester River Road and beyond, got wet cuz it was raining...
Thanks Charles. Notice the prosthetic leg resting against the bike in the picture. He probably stepped on a land mine over in Nam. We don't smoke while biking either. I saw a guy a couple days ago at battle Creek riding his bike on the single track with a cancer stick hanging from his lips. I started laughing about that one. See you this weekend